Porefectionist Facial with Restorative Eye Treatment, 50min Signature Massage with Scalp Massage added
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Porefectionist Facial with Restorative Eye Treatment, 50min Signature Massage with Scalp Massage added
Scrubbage and an Ageless Facial with choice of a Scalp Massage or Foot Massage
Warm Exfoliating Souffle, Luxe Body Melt & Wrap, Valmont Energy of the Glaciers Ritual Facial with Restorative Eye Treatment, 30min Foot Massage plus Personal Champagne with Luxury Candy Box
2x 50min Signature Massages with Restorative Eye Treatment, 2x Scalp Massage or Foot Massage, 2x Personal Champagne Bottles with a Luxury Candy Box. Package includes private treatment suite, use of our relaxation lounge, sauna and spa...
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